Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 3: CDPD3.iso
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Advanced User: A person who has managed to remove a computer from its
packing material.
Power User: A person who has mastered the brightness and contrast
controls on any computer's monitor.
American-Made: Assembled in America from parts made abroad.
Alpha Test Version: Too buggy to be released to the paying public.
Beta Test Version: Still too buggy to be released.
Release Version: Alternate pronunciation of "beta test version".
Sales Manager: Last week's new sales associate.
Consultant: A former sales associate who has mastered at least one-tenth
of the dBase III Plus manual.
Backup: The duplicate copy of crucial data that no one bothered to make;
used only in an abstract sense.
Clone: One of the many advanced-technology computers IBM is beginning to
wish they had built.
Convertible: Transformable from a second-rate computer to a first-rate
doorstop or paperweight. (Lexical note: replaces the term
Copy Protection: A clever method of preventing incompetent pirates from
stealing software and legitimate customers from using it.
Encryption: A powerful alorithimic encoding technique employed in the
creation of computer manuals.
FCC-Certified: Guaranteed not to interfere with radio or television
reception until you add the cable that is required to
make it work.
Hard Disk: A device that allows users to delete vast quantities of data
with simple mnemonic commands.
Laptop: Smaller and lighter then the average breadbox.
Portable: Smaller and lighter than the average refrigerator.
Support: The mailing of advertising literature to customers who have
returned a registration card.
Printer: An electromechanical paper-shreading device.
Spreadsheet: A program that gives the user quick and easy access to a
wide variety of highly detailed reports based on highly
inaccurate assumptions.
Upgraded: Didn't work the first time.
User Friendly: Supplied with a full-color manual.
Very User Friendly: Supplied with a disk and audiotape so the user need
not bother with the full-color manual.
Version 1.0: Buggier than May in June; eats data.Version 1.1: Eats data only occasionally; upgrade is free, to avoid
litigation by disgruntled users of Version 1.0.
Version 2.0: The version origanlly planned as the first release, except
for a couple of data eating bugs that just won't seem to go
away; no free upgrades or the company would go bankrupt.
Version 3.0: The revision in the works when the company goes bankrupt.
Warranty: Disclaimer